My future job

 In the future, i would like to work in the career i´m studying, that is chemestry and pharmacy, specifically, i would like to develop in the pharmaceutical technology area, because i think everything  related with a innovation and manufacturing of products is interesting, for example, the area of sterile preparations is incredible, because it is like entering a nasa laboratory.

Of course i would like to travel a lot in my job, but considerating the area i will be working... travel is a difficult option. on the other hand, if i was dedicated to other work area, for example, the academic area, i would take advantage of the opportunity to travel a lot . In fact, i would try to work outside the country, because always been interested in living in England. 

About the salary, i would like to recieve a lot of money, however, in the beggining i will be satisfied with a salary that allow me for live relaxed and independent of my family. On the other hand, I must mention that I decided to study chemistry and pharmacy because it has a good laboral camp and a good salary, therefore, for the moment I am calm.

currently , I´m coursing chemestry and pharmacy, however, in the future i want to do a master degree about pharmaceutical science, because that is the work area in which i would like to work and become an expert.


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