A country i would like to visit

september 22, 2022

The country i would like to visit is italy, mainly for two reasons, the first is because it has many historical places. for example, the roman coliseum in the city of roma, the great venice waterway or tower of pisa. Since i was little boy i have really liked ancient history, therefore, visiting a country as medieval as this one would leave me quite connected and satisfied. The other reasonwhy i would like to visit italy is because of its beautiful rural places.

What do you know about it?

is a country located in south of europe and it have boot form, this country is surrounded of different seas, for example, the mediterranium sea or the tirreno sea, etc...

Would you like to study/work/live here?

yes, i would like to study and work in that country, since that way i could have a lot of time to get to know itin addition, in europe there are best job opportunities. But, on the other hand. before going. it is necessary to learn the italian lenguage, but note have problems.


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