
post 5: GPOY

I like this picture because it was taken in one of the most beautiful places around Santiago, the place is called "mirador de condores" located in San José de Maipo. I remember that it was very hot that day and it was difficult to get to the end of the trail, however, it is worth a try, because once you reach to the end, you can enjoy a wonderful view of the whole Cajon del Maipo, along with the sighting of many condors in the area, in fact, that day we were fortunate to observe at least five condors. Unfortunately, that place was closed and the entrance was prohibited, since people went with their pets and these frightened the condors and other native animals of the area, besides many people leaves garbage on the ground. The truth is that I do not know if the place is open again, but if people continue with the mentality of not taking care of the natural environment, then I agree with the fact that the sector remains closed. On the other hand, I consider that the picture is

My future job

 In the future, i would like to work in the career i´m studying, that is chemestry and pharmacy, specifically, i would like to develop in the pharmaceutical technology area, because i think everything  related with a innovation and manufacturing of products is interesting, for example, the area of sterile preparations is incredible, because it is like entering a nasa laboratory. Of course i would like to travel a lot in my job, but considerating the area i will be working... travel is a difficult option. on the other hand, if i was dedicated to other work area, for example, the academic area, i would take advantage of the opportunity to travel a lot . In fact, i would try to work outside the country, because always been interested in living in England.  About the salary, i would like to recieve a lot of money, however, in the beggining i will be satisfied with a salary that allow me for live relaxed and independent of my family. On the other hand, I must mention that I decided to study

My best vacation

In the summer of 2018, i went to the south of Chile with my family and friends, specifically we went  to puerto montt, and then we went to tour on the austral highway.  we were in those places for about one week, it was a short time, however, we took advantage of every damn second. When we were in Puerto montt city, we took the apportunity to visit a famous market, called market of Angelmó, where i ordered plate of food called: "chupe de jaiba", wich is simply exquisite, Honestly, the food is the only thing i liked about puerto montt, since i think the city in general is very ugly. After visiting the city, we went to visit the austral highway , or at least one part o this travel, i visited different places, for example, toboganes de cochamó, lago de todos los santos, saltos del petrohué, etc etc...  In most of this places, the principal activity was fishing, camping in the any campsitesa and go to the trails. this vacation was the best, because i knowed beutifull plac

A country i would like to visit

september 22, 2022 The country i would like to visit is italy, mainly for two reasons, the first is because it has many historical places. for example, the roman coliseum in the city of roma, the great venice waterway or tower of pisa. Since i was little boy i have really liked ancient history, therefore, visiting a country as medieval as this one would leave me quite connected and satisfied. The other reasonwhy i would like to visit italy is because of its beautiful rural places. What do you know about it? is a country located in south of europe and it have boot form, this country is surrounded of different seas, for example, the mediterranium sea or the tirreno sea, etc... Would you like to study/work/live here? yes, i would like to study and work in that country, since that way i could have a lot of time to get to know itin addition, in europe there are best job opportunities. But, on the other hand. before going. it is necessary to learn the italian lenguage, but note have problems